Hello driver! Today, I would like to introduce to use a Trailers and Cargo Pack. This pack adds in game new trailers (such as: Kögel, Fliegl, Böse, Närko, Lamberet, Chereau, Schmitz, Bodex, Fruehauf, Schwarzmüller, D-Tec, Samro, Krone, Pacton, Ekeri, Goldhofer, Kröger, Nooteboom, Sommer, Estepe, Fontaine, McLendon, Krampe, Kotte, Panav, Kempf, Galtrailer, Groenewegen, Chmzap, Maz, Nefaz, Szap, Tonar, Odaz and others …), new cargo and new traffic trailers.
Installation: This mod has Russian version and English version.
For English version you must have in mod folder three files:
- trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v4.2_part1.scs
- trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v4.2_part2.scs
- trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v4.2_eng.scs
Version 4.7 has added 3 new trailers, new cargo, new skins, new traffic trailers.
Credits: Jazzycat
Compatibility: ETS2 1.25

How to install mod for ETS 2:
- Download this mod.
- Extract it!
- Paste the .scs file(s) into your My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod folder.
- Run game ~> Mod Manager ~> Enable mod.
- Enjoy!
Download Trailers and Cargo Pack By Jazzycat for ETS 2:
Source: Trailers and Cargo Pack By Jazzycat v4.7
Copy from: http://ets2downloads.com/trailers/trailers-cargo-pack-jazzycat-2